After 7 years of painting amidst life’s turbulence, Katie’s studio has been the refuge she needed to find a home within herself. Her days in the studio are spent playing in a state of flow that has become available to her as sobriety, therapy, an adhd diagnosis, and her experience with cancer have put a new lens on the world - especially within. Her abstract acrylic works serve as poignant reflections of her path of art, expression, and healing. Her work has spanned a few eras in her years of experimentation, but a Katie Scofield is easily recognized by the brilliant colors and gestural abstraction that underscores her works as much as her personality. 

Immersed in soul-stirring music, Katie performs her own version of somatic dance which allows her to transcend our reality and experience the music in visual and physical manifestations. This meditative state provides the therapeutic fuel that infuses her work with raw energy and emotion, while guiding her artistic intuition from the depths of her being. 

The movement and rhythm of the lines within her most recent works reflect the playful, yet visceral, nature of her process. It is apparent from first glance that the physical act of painting carries as much importance as the finished works themselves. The bold lines and explosive splashes are echoed through layers of contrasting hues, a testament to the intentional journey of self-discovery that accompanies each piece. The reverberations of her innermost self can be seen layered onto the canvas, finally frozen in a single moment of whimsical chaos atop the joyous backdrop of the composition. An utter suspension of time, the final layer invites the audience to pause and reflect on their own life’s journey.

Her art entices the viewer to peer beyond the choreographed masquerade of everyday life, offering glimpses into the complexities of the human experience that lie beneath the haze of an absent mind. Through her art and written narrative, Katie implores others to believe that beauty can arise from chaos. That they are capable of making it through their own by embracing the unpredictable nature of life and learning to flow with it.