a letter from Katie...

To anyone struggling, whether it be with your mental or physical health, addiction, or simply from the chaos that comes from being a human…

if you only hear one message from me, please let it be this:

Don’t give up on yourself. 

It’s going to be okay.

I don’t know when, where, why or how…

it might get worse before it gets better


it can get better.

It takes a lot of work, but you are worth it.

You are whole. You are enough.

In this moment,

in every moment,

you are enough exactly as you are.

You’re strong enough to build a different life for yourself if you want to. I only know this because I did…and for a long time I didn’t believe it was possible.

It is. I believe in you.
You can become a version of yourself that follows your big dreams too.

Please, just keep swimming. 

5 years ago, I didn’t want to be here.

4 years ago, I removed alcohol from my life.

3 years ago, I survived cancer.

2 years ago, I finally got an art studio.

1 year ago, I started EMDR therapy.


today, here you are….reading this

because I never gave up. 

peace + love,